
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture?

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is one of the oldest systems of medicine. It is more than 3,500 years older than traditional Western medicine, which came to exist much more recently. Acupuncture is the practice of inserting and manipulating needles into the superficial skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscles of the body at particular acupuncture points.

In TCM, there are over 700 acupuncture points on the human body, which are connected by 12 main meridians. These meridians conduct Qi between the surface of the body and its internal organs. Acupuncture is believed to keep the balance between Yin (associated with the parasympathetic nervous system) and the Yang (associated with the sympathetic nervous system). This allows for the normal flow of Qi associated with neural transmission throughout the body and restores health to the mind and body.