Meet the Doctors
Meet the Doctors
YingCheng (Christina) Lee, L.Ac., MS. DTCM
YingCheng (Christina) Lee, L.Ac., MS. DTCM
I have been passionate about learning and helping others since I was young. With over 8 years of experience working in a clinic, seeing patients recover and smile again motivates me to continually seek further education and personal growth. I graduated from Five Branches University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. My specialties include TCM beauty treatments, weight loss, infertility, eczema, various musculoskeletal pains, arthritis, TMJ syndrome, gastrointestinal issues, indigestion, acid reflux, chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension, as well as stress and insomnia.
李映澄 中醫師
我從小就熱愛學習和幫助別人,在診所工作8 年多的經驗,看到病人從病痛中恢復笑容是給我不斷進修和成長的動力,畢業於五系中醫藥大學,我專長於中醫美容,減重,不孕症,異位性皮膚炎(濕疹),各種筋骨痠痛,關節炎,顳顎關節症候群(TMJ),腸胃問題,消化不良,胃酸逆流,慢性病像是糖尿病和高血壓,壓力和失眠等問題。